"The Voice of Germany" 2023 - Emely Myles' starke Performance lässt Coach Ronan sprachlos zurück

  • 06:20 Min
  • 12.12.2023
  • Ab 6
  • Highlight Clip aus S13 E19

Im Finale performt Emely Myles aus Team Ronan ihre Single "We Got This" und begeistert einmal mehr mit ihrem großen Stimmvolumen. Nach dieser starken Performance fehlen selbst Coach Ronan kurzzeitig die Worte. Singt Emely sich damit zum Sieg?

Emelys eigene Single "We Got This"

Für Emely ist ihre eigene Single "We Got This" ein sehr persönlicher Song. Er handelt von Selbstliebe und davon, die individuellen Unterschiede aller Menschen zu akzeptieren.

Die Lyrics von "We Got This" von Emely Myles

I used to wish I was that girl On that TV screen dancing with Britney Boots/Heels upto my knees Day dreaming of a world Then I clutch my pearls Realising Im that gurl Cos I’m beautiful as I am one of one And I can rule this world yes I can no regrets


Dont let the rain ruin your mood Keep that glow, even with when life shows you An example through your hardship! To all my woman all over the world WE got this and I got YOU

I’ve been told NO a million times, but believe when I say I am in love with who I am now. It dont matter age, religion, size, or even where you come from You’re perfect baby this is your reminder

cos you’re beautiful one of one yes you are & the glitter ain’t all gold but we will shine bright

Dont let the rain ruin your mood Keep that glow, even with when life shows you An example through your hardship! To all my woman all over the world WE got this and I got YOU

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